Serializing GUFE objects ======================== When you create objects the follow the GUFE APIs, you will want them to be serializable; that is, you'll want to be able to store everything to disk. In this section, we'll discuss how GUFE handles serialization, and what a developer needs to do to serialize an object. From a user perspective, this information is mainly relevant for understanding what you can expect from storage systems built for GUFE objects. From a developer perspective, this will tell you what you need to do to be compatible with (and get the most from) the GUFE serialization mechanisms. In practice: What a developer needs to do ----------------------------------------- For most use cases, an object can be made serializable by gufe if it (1) inherits from :class:`.GufeTokenizable` and (2) implements several abstract private methods related to serialization: ``_to_dict``, ``_from_dict``, and ``_defaults``: * ``_to_dict`` returns a dictionary mapping string names for each attribute to preserve to a serializable representation of that attribute. A representation is considered "serializable" if it is (1) a :class:`.GufeTokenizable`, (2) a primitive type that can be handled by Python's built-in JSON, or (3) a type for which a custom :class:`.JSONCodec` has been registered (see :ref:`customjson`). * ``_from_dict`` is a ``classmethod`` that takes the dictionary returned by ``_to_dict`` and reconstructs the object. * ``_defaults`` returns whatever ``_to_dict`` would return for any default values; i.e., it should be a dictionary where the keys are the the keys of the ``_to_dict`` dictionary that have default values, and the values are the associated defaults. Importantly, this may differ from the default value given at initialization -- for example, it is common practice to use ``None`` as a stand-in for a mutable container (e.g., an empty list). In that case, the value given by ``_defaults`` should be the container, not ``None``, since that is what will be in the ``_to_dict``. As a very simple example, consider the following complete implementation: .. code:: class Foo(GufeTokenizable): def __init__(self, bar, baz=None): = bar if baz is None: baz = [] self.baz = baz def _to_dict(self): return {'bar':, 'baz': self.baz} @classmethod def _from_dict(cls, dct): return cls(**dct) def _defaults(self): return {'baz': []} Testing your GufeTokenizable ---------------------------- We provide a convenience mix-in for testing that a :class:`.GufeTokenizable` will be correctly stored and reloaded. Here's an example of how to use it for the ``Foo`` class above: .. code:: import pytest from gufe.tests.test_tokenization import GufeTokenizationTestsMixin class TestFoo(GufeTokenizationTestsMixin): cls = Foo key = "Foo-8e7fd2803d73ef0cd9faceef751acfca" @pytest.fixture def instance(self): return Foo(5, baz=['qux', 'quux', 'quuux']) You'll need to get the ``key`` from creating the ``instance`` once and recording ``str(obj.key)``-- since the key is stable, it shouldn't change (and, in fact, that is tested). This will add several tests to your test suite to ensure that you can save and reload your :class:`.GufeTokenizable`. .. TODO: add a section here about the various to_*_dict from_*_dict forms: shallow_dict; (deep) dict; keyed_dict GufeTokenizables must be functionally immutable ----------------------------------------------- One important restriction on :class:`.GufeTokenizable` subclasses is that they must be functionally immutable. That is, they must have no mutable attributes that change their functionality. In most cases, this means that the object must be strictly immutable. When an object is immutable, that means that none of its attributes change after initialization. So all attributes should be set when you create an object, and never changed after that. If your object is immutable, then it is suitable to be a :class:`.GufeTokenizable`. There is a special case of mutability that is also allowed, which is if the object is functionally immutable. As an example, consider a flag to turn on or off usage of a cache of input-output pairs for some deterministic method. If the cache is turned on, you first try to return the value from it, and only perform the calculation if the inputs don't have a cached output associated. In this case, the flag is mutable, but this has no effect on the results. Indeed, the cache itself may be implemented as a mutable attribute of the object, but again, this would not change the results that are returned. It would also be recommended that an attribute like a cache, which is only used internally, should be marked private with a leading underscore. On the other hand, a flag that changes code path in a way that might change the results of any operation would mean that the object cannot be a :class:`.GufeTokenizable`. .. _customjson: Supporting custom types in serialization ---------------------------------------- Occasionally, you may need to add support for a custom type that is not already known by GUFE. For example, there may be objects that are included in your GUFE object that come from another library, and are not GUFE tokenizables. When this happens, you will need to create and register a custom JSON codec. To do this, at a minimum you need to define a ``to_dict`` and ``from_dict`` function for your type. You can then give the class of your type and those functions to a :class:`.JSONCodec`. As an example, consider the code for our codec for ``pathlib.Path`` objects: .. code:: PATH_CODEC = JSONCodec( cls=pathlib.Path, to_dict=lambda p: {'path': str(p)}, from_dict=lambda dct: pathlib.Path(dct['path']) ) Here the ``to_dict`` and ``from_dict`` are lambdas. The ideas of these are the same as the ``GufeTokenizable._to_dict`` and ``GufeTokenizable._from_dict`` described above. In this default setup, the codec recognizes your object type by doing an ``isinstance`` check on the ``cls`` you gave it. It updates the dictionary that comes from your ``to_dict`` with the class and module of the object, as well as a key to mark this dictionary as coming from this codec. The key-value pairs that it adds make it so that the codec can recognize the dictionary when it is deserializes (decodes) the data. Details of how the object is recognized for encoding or how the dictionary is recognized for decoding can be changed by passing functions to the ``is_my_obj`` or ``is_my_dict`` parameters of :class:`.JSONCodec`. .. warning:: The Custom encoders & decoders only override the default JSON encoder/decoder if they are not able to natively handle the object. This leads to some odd / lossy behaviour for some objects such as ``np.float64`` which is natively converted to a ``float`` type by the default encoder, whilst other numpy generic types are appropriately roundtripped. On the use of NumPy generic types ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Due to their inconsistent behaviour in how they are handled by the default JSON encoder/decoder routines (see warning above), it is our suggestion that Python types should be used preferrentially instead of NumPy generic types. For example if one would be looking to store a single float value, a ``float`` would be prefered to a ``np.float32`` or ``np.float64``. Please note that this only applied to generic types being used **outside of numpy arrays**. NumPy arrays are, as far as we know, always handled in a consistent manner. Dumping arbitrary objects to JSON --------------------------------- Any :class:`.GufeTokenizable` can be dumped to a JSON file using the custom JSON handlers. Given a :class:`.GufeTokenizable` called ``obj`` and a path-like called ``filename``, you can dump to JSON with this recipe: .. code:: import json from gufe.tokenization import JSON_HANDLER with open(filename, mode='w') as f: json.dump(obj.to_dict(), f, cls=JSON_HANDLER.encoder) Similarly, you can reload the object with: .. code:: import json from gufe.tokenization import JSON_HANDLER, GufeTokenizable with open(filename, mode='r') as f: obj = GufeTokenizable.from_dict(json.load(f, cls=JSON_HANDLER.decoder)) Note that these objects are not space-efficient: that is, if you have the same object in memory referenced by multiple objects (e.g., an identical ``ProteinComponent`` in more than one ``ChemicalSystem``), then you will save multiple copies of its JSON representation. On reloading, tools that use the recommended ``from_dict`` method will undo this duplication; see :ref:`gufe-memory-deduplication` for details. As a more space-efficient alternative to ``to_dict``/``from_dict``, consider using ``to_keyed_chain``/``from_keyed_chain`` instead. This deals in a representation using the :class:`.KeyedChain` approach, which avoids duplication of dependent :class:`.GufeTokenizables` in the serialized JSON representation. Convenient serialization ~~~~~~~~~~~~------------ We also provide convenience methods to convert any :class:`.GufeTokenizable` to and from JSON using a space-efficient serialization strategy based on our :class:`.KeyedChain` representation. This is intended for developers that want to serialise these objects using the current best practice and are not concerned with the details of the process. The :func:`to_json ` API offers the flexibility to convert to JSON directly or to write to a filelike object: .. code:: # get a json representation in-memory json = obj.to_json() # save to a file directly obj.to_json(file=filename) Similarly, you can recreate the object using the :func:`from_json ` classmethod: .. code:: # load the object from a json file produced with `to_json` obj = cls.from_json(file=filename) # load from a string produced with `to_json` obj = cls.from_json(content=json) .. Using JSON codecs outside of JSON .. --------------------------------- .. In a custom recursive storage scheme, .. TODO: DWHS wants to write something here that describes how to use the codecs in your own non-JSON storage scheme. But this is complicated enough that it will take significant time When your object has recursive references ----------------------------------------- In some cases, your object may have recursive references to other objects. For example, you may have objects ``parent`` and ``child``, where ``parent.children`` includes ``child`` and ``child.parent`` is ``parent``. This means that the object dependency graph is not a directed acyclic graph. The best solution here is to avoid this design pattern whenever possible. Importantly, the ``child`` object in this case cannot be immutable, unless it is only created as a part of the creation of ``parent``. However, this could be made functionally immutable by (1) requiring that a valid ``child`` set its ``parent`` attribute exactly once; (2) not storing the ``child.parent`` attribute, and instead ensuring it gets set by the ``parent`` (e.g., in ``__init__``). Note that this also assumes that all ``children`` are provided to ``parent`` on initialization, otherwise ``parent`` is also mutable. Another approach here would be to make it so that ``child`` was not a :class:`.GufeTokenizable`, and instead explicitly handle its serialization in a more complicated ``parent._to_dict`` method, with similarly more complicated ``parent._from_dict``. This approach is particularly useful if the ``child`` object isn't too complicated, and if the ``child`` is unlikely to be reused outside the context of the ``parent``. Understanding the theory: The GUFE key -------------------------------------- One of the important concepts is that every GUFE object has a unique identifier, which we call its ``key``. The ``key`` is a string, typically in the format ``{CLASS_NAME}-{HEXADECIMAL_LABEL}``, e.g., ``ProteinComponent-7338abda590510f1dae764e068a65fdc``. For most objects, the hexadecimal label is generated based on the contents of the class -- in particular, it is based on contents of the ``_to_dict`` dictionary, filtered to remove anything that matches the ``_defaults`` dictionary. This gives the GUFE key a number of important properties: * Because the key is based on a cryptographic hash, it is extremely unlikely that two objects that are functionally different will have the same key. * Because the key is created deterministically, it is preserved across different creation times, including across different hardware, across different Python sessions, and even within the same Python session. * Because the key is based on the non-default attributes, it is preserved across minor versions of the code (since we follow `SemVer `_). The developer-provided ``_defaults`` method is used here. These properties, in particular the stability across Python sessions, make the GUFE key a stable identifier for the object, which means that they can be used for store-by-reference. Deduplication of GufeTokenizables --------------------------------- There are two types of deduplication of GufeTokenizables. Objects can be deduplicated on storage to disk because we store by reference to the gufe key. Additionally, objects are deduplicated in memory because we keep a registry of all instantiated GufeTokenizables. .. _gufe-memory-deduplication: Deduplication in memory ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Memory deduplication means that only one object with a given GUFE ``key`` will exist in any single Python session. We ensure this by maintaining a registry of all GufeTokenizables that gets updated any time a GufeTokenizable is created. (This is a mapping to weak references, which allows Python's garbage collection to clean up GufeTokenizables that are no longer needed.) This is essentially an implementation of the `flyweight pattern `_. This memory deduplication is ensured by the ``GufeTokenizable.from_dict``, which is typically used in deserialization. It will always use the first object in memory with that ``key``. This can lead to some unexpected behavior; for example, using the ``Foo`` class defined above: .. code:: >>> a = Foo(0) >>> b = Foo(0) >>> a is b False >>> c = Foo.from_dict(a.to_dict()) >>> c is a # surprise! True >>> d = Foo.from_dict(b.to_dict()) >>> d is b False >>> d is a # this is because `a` has the spot in the registry True Deduplication on disk ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Deduplication in disk storage is fundamentally the responsibility of the specific storage system, which falls outside the scope of ``gufe``. However, ``gufe`` provides some tools to facilitate implementation of a storage system. The main idea is again to use the ``key`` to ensure uniqueness, and to use it as a label for the object's serialized representation. Additionally, the ``key``, as a simple string, can be used as a stand-in for the object, so when an outer GufeTokenizable contains an inner GufeTokenizable, the outer can store the key in place of the inner object. That is, we can store by reference to the key. To convert a GufeTokenizable ``obj`` into a dictionary that references inner GufeTokenizables by key, use ``obj.to_keyed_dict()``. That method replaces each GufeTokenizable by a dict with a single key, ``':gufe-key:'``, mapping to the key of the object. Of course, you'll also need to do the same for all inner GufeTokenizables; to get a list of all of them, use :func:`.get_all_gufe_objs` on the outermost ``obj``.